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Spray Dried Minerals

Nutrimineral supplies Spray Drying Minerals for Infant foods . Spray Dried Minerals have advantage of:

  • Bulk density: Approximately 0.4g/ml to compatible with other excipients
  • Particle uniformity: Pass through 80 mesh with uniform particle size
  • Improving the weighing accuracy of trace elements
  • Effective embedding: protect the surface of some materials sensitive to temperature and humidity
  • Solubility: the spray process is fully dispersed, and the final product dissolves quickly
  • Keeping the material color
  • Flowability: The shape of the material is close to spherical, and the flowability is good

Spray Dried Minerals Products

Magnesium Sulfate Dried-Product Code 2008
Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate-Product Code 4001

Normal Drying

Spay Drying

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